Though often thought of as primarily a male hormone, testosterone also plays a critical role in several biological processes impacting women and a decrease in bodily concentrations of this chemical could increase your risk of developing significant health issues that might require treatment.
Impact Upon The Body
Testosterone is produced inside your ovaries and adrenal glands. As it does with males, this hormone is vital to the development of your bone strength, muscle mass and the maintenance of optimal energy levels. Arguably, however, testosterone’s primary function in the female body is sexual. The substance is not only vital to the enhancement of your sex drive but also heightens the sensitivity of specific sexual and reproductive organs such as the breasts, nipples, and clitoris.
What Is Hormone Replacement?
Hormone replacement, also known as Hormone Replacement Therapy, abbreviated as HRT, is a medical procedure by which depleted levels of specific hormones are replaced inside the body. Typically, this type of therapy is designed for adult men and women stricken with a variety of medical conditions that might precipitate a diminished bodily concentration of hormones, notably testosterone.
Conditions This Treatment Protocol Might Help Remedy?
Menopause is a naturally-occurring life stage that typically impacts women in their late forties or early fifties. This medical phenomenon happens because the ovaries and other reproductive organs dramatically reduce the production and secretion of various hormonal chemicals, mainly estrogen and progesterone. However, testosterone production is also diminished.
This decreasing amount of testosterone in your body could precipitate physical manifestations like:
- Accumulation of body fat.
- Weight gain.
- Fatigue.
- Bone weakness.
- Decreasing muscle mass.
- Depression
- Anxiety.
That said, what often prompts women to consider hormone therapy are sexual symptoms such as low libido and an emotional detachment to intercourse.
Other Health Issues
In addition to menopause, low testosterone in women can be precipitated by numerous conditions impacting other hormone-producing glands and organs (adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid, pituitary) and certain kinds of cancer.
How Is This Treatment Administered?
Testosterone can be administered through the use of oral preparations, intramuscular injections, skin implants, and skin patches. In most instances, this therapy is available only through a doctor’s prescription. The specific administration method is chosen, the dosage and the duration of any therapeutic protocol will hinge on the specific condition the therapy is designed to treat, in addition to the ailment’s severity.
Potential Side Effects
When administered using therapeutic dosages, side effects are uncommon. However, when they do occur, an impacted woman could notice physical manifestations including:
- Weight gain.
- Skin problems like acne.
- Mood fluctuations.
- Voice changes.
- Baldness.
- Excess hair growth.
- Fluid retention.
Higher dosages not only heightens your chances of developing these symptoms but also increases they will occur with greater severity.
If you believe testosterone replacement may benefit your health and well-being, medical professionals advise you to discuss the possibility with your doctor. Certain underlying medical conditions might contraindicate the use of the therapeutic endeavor or interfere with the procedure’s efficiency.